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Έτοιμοι για δράση;

Σχετικό υλικό


Planks for building a flowerbed of a suitable length, soil in which to sow a mixture of meadow plants, drill, screwdriver, dowels, wood glue, wood preservative, liner sheet, mixed wildflower seeds.


Prepare tools and materials; purchase seeds; invite parents to help with the build.

Στόχοι, μηνύματα, έννοιες

Συγεκεκριμένοι στόχοι

  • To learn how to use tools and how to construct a planter.
  • To increase biodiversity in the local area by planting wildflowers on school grounds.

Συγκεκριμένα μηνύματα

  • Planting wildflowers will impact biodiversity beyond the school gate as it will benefit pollinators.

Βασικοί όροι

  • flowerbed
  • wildflowers
  • pollinators
  • construction
  • safety

Πρακτικές και Δεξιότητες

Πρακτικές STEM

  • Αξιοποίηση των μαθηματικών και της υπολογιστικής σκέψης

Προσωπικές δεξιότητες

  • Ομαδικό πνεύμα και συνεργασία

Δεξιότητες διαχείρισης

  • Προσχεδιασμός
  • Αξιοποίηση πόρων


step 1

Students will make planters for flower beds to promote biodiversity within the school grounds. Discuss health and safety measures, and watch videos on the correct use of each tool.

step 2

Prepare tools, materials and the workspace.

step 3

Working together, measure and cut the boards for the flowerbed.

step 4

Connect all the elements with glue and screws.

step 5

Paint and leave to dry.

step 6

Once dry, protect the bottom and sides with a liner sheet, then pour in the soil and sow the seeds according to the instructions on the packet.

step 7

Ideally set up flowerbeds in various places around the school.