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Ready for action?


Goals, messages & concepts

Specific goals

  • To help create real change within their school waste system.

Specific messages

  • Students can lead the solutions to reduce waste within their schools and local communities.

Main terms

  • reducing waste

Practices & skills

STEM practices

  • Analysing and interpreting data
  • Constructing explanations and designing solutions
  • Engaging in argument from evidence
  • Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
  • Asking questions and defining problems

Soft skills

  • Empathy
  • Dealing with uncertainty
  • Learning failure is a part of learning
  • Teamwork and collaboration

Management skills

  • Planning
  • Use of resources

Course of activity

step 1

This is an optional Learning Unit for schools which are in the process of becoming zero waste and will span over the course of 12 months.

step 2

On completion of this learning scenario, students will have the opportunity to become school Eco Ambassadors, pitching a proposal and creating a Zero Waste School with the help of a panel of local changemakers: Andy Burnham, Tamoor Tariq, Prof Alice Larkin.

step 3

The Eco Ambassadors will lead the journey to implement a whole school approach to transformational change, demonstrating leadership, scientific endeavour and engineering habits of mind. This tool can be used to measure the journey to becoming a circular economy within a business.

step 4

This will be student-led, with teachers to facilitate and local changemakers to act as advisees. They will have 12 months to make a difference.

step 5

Students will lead monthly tutorials which will explore creative solutions to reduce waste. Tutorials will be shared with a local partner primary school. Their journey will be documented.