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Tangible Resources

pen, note paper, (presentation screen if virtual tour)

Human Resources

industry expert, extra adults to facilitate field trip


Organise industry visit/video recording, prepare paperwork for off-site visits if necessary.

Goals, messages & concepts

Specific goals

  • To understand how waste and sustainability is considered at a commercial level.
  • To see the size and scale of waste produced in industry.

Specific messages

  • Manufacturers consciously consider the amount of waste they produce, as waste can be costly and unsustainable at a commercial scale.

Main terms

  • waste in industry
  • commercial

Practices & skills

STEM practices

  • Constructing explanations and designing solutions
  • Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
  • Asking questions and defining problems

Soft skills

  • Teamwork and collaboration

Management skills


Course of activity

step 1

Students will visit (or virtually tour) a local manufacturing site, The Rakem Group (distributor for manufacturers who supply speciality raw material to the paper, coating, plastics, textile fibres, pharmaceutical and chemical industries).

step 2

In groups, students will decide on questions to ask experts.

step 3

The industry expert will respond to students’ questions.

step 4

Back in the classroom, students discuss solutions showing how what they saw may impact the way the school processes its waste.