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Tangible Resources

pen, note paper

Human Resources

extra adults to facilitate field trip


Organise visit to local plastic-free shop, prepare paperwork for off-site visits if necessary.

Goals, messages & concepts

Specific goals

  • To explore the 6Rs: Rethink, reuse, recycle, repair, reduce and refuse.
  • To learn about how to run a plastic free shop, and the challenges such shops face.

Specific messages

  • Shops and other businesses can become plastic free by using the 6Rs.
  • The 6Rs can help reduce the amount of waste produced in school as well as the local community.

Main terms

  • 6Rs
  • rethink
  • reuse
  • recycle
  • repair
  • reduce
  • refuse

Practices & skills

STEM practices

  • Constructing explanations and designing solutions
  • Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
  • Asking questions and defining problems

Soft skills

  • Teamwork and collaboration

Management skills

  • Planning
  • Use of resources

Course of activity

step 1

Introduce students to the 6Rs in class, and discuss which ‘R’s apply to the retail, industrial and school examples of waste management looked at so far.

step 2

Students will visit a local plastic-free shop called Plantifulshop, and learn about how they keep it plastic-free, how they work differently with their customers and suppliers, and the challenges they face.

step 3

In groups, students will discuss whether any of the shop’s plastic-free methods could be replicated in school (i.e. school canteen).

step 4

Students will then discuss ideas with the shop's customers and get feedback to inform Learning Unit 5 later.