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Tangible Resources

Soil acid-meters, Hellige’s fluid, soil sampling shovels, soil sample container, water to rinse the measuring tools, notepad, writing utensils, drawings of selected fruits and vegetables with the soil pH values needed for the selected plant species, different types of fertilisers - lime fertiliser, animal fertiliser (e.g. horse or goat manure), dried or burnt plant residues, aprons to protect clothes


Gather resources, source location such as an allotment and liaise with owners if required.

Goals, messages & concepts

Specific goals

  • To understand the role of fertiliser and the fertilisation process in agriculture. 
  • To carry out soil pH measurements before and after fertilising.

Specific messages

  • Fertilisation is an essential part of the food production process.
  • Different types of fertilisers have different effects on the soil. 
  • Different plants require different types of fertilisers.
  • 4. Farmers are responsible for using safe methods of fertilisation in agriculture.

Main terms

  • fertilisation
  • food production
  • micro and macro soil fauna
  • pollinators

Practices & skills

STEM practices

  • Analysing and interpreting data
  • Constructing explanations and designing solutions
  • Engaging in argument from evidence
  • Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
  • Using mathematics and computational thinking
  • Asking questions and defining problems
  • Planning and carrying out investigations

Soft skills

  • Dealing with uncertainty
  • Learning failure is a part of learning
  • Teamwork and collaboration

Management skills

  • Planning
  • Use of resources

Course of activity

step 1

Demonstration of how a soil acid meter works, what the meter is used for and how what the meter indicates translates into plant welfare.

step 2

Divide into subgroups. Go outdoors and take samples of soil from various areas, taking into account habitat diversity, such as sun exposure of the area, humidity, quantitative presence of trees, etc. Take measurements with an acid meter and record results. Identify the pH value of soil samples and collect them for further work.

step 3

Discuss types of fertilisers: natural, plant and mineral residues. Students will check the pH of individual fertilisers with the acid meter and indicate their impact on soil pH level. Students will also consider what will happen to the pH of the global samples taken as a result of using a particular fertiliser

step 4

Mix soil samples with fertilisers and once again measure the pH. Note down the pH values. Then assign these to drawings of fruit and vegetables and analyse how this would impact their growth.

step 5

Discuss the role of crop burning in fields and how it is perceived as a wasteful method of fertilisation.