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Έτοιμοι για δράση;

Σχετικό υλικό


Craft materials, tools and building materials, equipment for working with craft materials (scissors, glue gun, etc.)


Prepare materials and list of expected ‘deliverables’.

Στόχοι, μηνύματα, έννοιες

Συγεκεκριμένοι στόχοι

  • Developing ideas and iterating as a result of evaluation.
  • Making a plan.
  • Collaborating to build and test ideas.

Συγκεκριμένα μηνύματα

  • Research informs good design ideas.
  • Collaboration improves a design.
  • Failure is a valuable part of designing

Βασικοί όροι

  • concept development
  • iteration
  • sketch model
  • product design

Πρακτικές και Δεξιότητες

Πρακτικές STEM

  • Ανάλυση και ερμηνεία δεδομένων
  • Αιτιολόγηση και σχεδιασμός λύσεων
  • Δημιουργία και αξιοποίηση μοντέλων
  • Διατύπωση ερωτημάτων και προσδιορισμός προβλημάτων
  • Προετοιμασία και διεξαγωγή έρευνας

Προσωπικές δεξιότητες

  • Αντιμετώπιση της αβεβαιότητας
  • Εκμάθηση μέσω της αποτυχίας στο πλαίσιο της εκπαίδευσης
  • Ομαδικό πνεύμα και συνεργασία

Δεξιότητες διαχείρισης

  • Προσχεδιασμός
  • Αξιοποίηση πόρων


step 1

Students will use insights gained during their research and analysis processes in LU 1-6 to inform their design solution for a more effective and engaging waste collection system in the school. They will start by discussing the process of previous activities and how it relates to this assignment, and formulate a timeline of ‘deliverables’.

step 2

Discuss design requirements (influencing strategy - positive/negative/nudging, electronic component, working model/prototype). Students will divide into working groups according to their preferred strategy. Developing ideas:

  • What influencing strategy will the students work on?
  • How will they use the survey, what have they learned from others answering questions?
  • Come up with ideas and try to predict/explore what might work best
  • Choose a promising idea to develop

step 3

Introduce the term sketch model and show examples (a simple and fast model of the design that doesn’t need to look good or actually work, it is solely used to support the students to make their story clear and point out what needs to be done and how it will possibly work. Making a plan:

  • Develop a step-by-step production plan
  • Divide task and roles
  • Make a materials list

step 4

They will then create a simple yet effective sketch model of their design. Upon completion, the model will be presented to the teacher and include the process they intend to follow, a plan and a list of materials they will require. Based on the information that the students present, the teacher gives a GO (the students can start building) or a NO GO (students have to go back to the drawing board with feedback). Making a sketch model:

  • Make a sketch of the design/solution
  • Acquire materials
  • Build the model to demonstrate the design idea
  • Evaluate design idea within group

step 5

GO/NO GO moment with teacher – students present plan and model.

step 6

Students make a final plan and materials list.