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Έτοιμοι για δράση;

Σχετικό υλικό


Pen, paper, access to phone/computer/email to send questions to local businesses

Στόχοι, μηνύματα, έννοιες

Συγεκεκριμένοι στόχοι

  • To understand what counts as ‘waste’.
  • To develop an awareness of how much waste is in the local community.

Συγκεκριμένα μηνύματα

  • All types of businesses produce waste.
  • Lots of things can be considered as ‘waste’.

Βασικοί όροι

  • waste
  • questionnaire
  • interview

Πρακτικές και Δεξιότητες

Πρακτικές STEM

  • Άντληση, αξιολόγηση και επικοινωνία πληροφοριών
  • Διατύπωση ερωτημάτων και προσδιορισμός προβλημάτων

Προσωπικές δεξιότητες

  • Ομαδικό πνεύμα και συνεργασία

Δεξιότητες διαχείρισης

  • Προσχεδιασμός
  • Αξιοποίηση πόρων


Lesson 1

  1. Talk to class about waste and explain the activity to understand the concept of by-products, students will send out interview questions to local businesses via email (e.g. cafes, fast food, corner shop, laundrettes, etc).
  2. Put students into groups and get them to assign roles:
    • Someone to design the questionnaire
    • Someone to write emails
    • Someone to write letters
  3. Ask students to email/phone/write letters to local businesses explaining what the project is and requesting they complete a questionnaire or arrange a Zoom (video call) interview.

Lesson 2

  1. Students will conduct any Zoom interviews they have arranged.
  2. Each group will collate their data and share their key findings concerning the types, quantities and management of the waste produced in these businesses.