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Ready for action?

Goals, messages & concepts

Specific goals

  • Introduce students to the way that machines learn.
  • Explore the ethical issues surrounding Artificial Intelligence

Specific messages

  • Computers/machines can be taught to make decisions.
  • A computer's ability to make decisions depends on the type and amount of information people choose to give them.

Main terms

  • algorithms
  • machine-learning

Practices & skills

STEM practices

  • Developing and using models
  • Engaging in argument from evidence
  • Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
  • Using mathematics and computational thinking
  • Asking questions and defining problems

Soft skills

  • Learning failure is a part of learning
  • Teamwork and collaboration

Management skills

  • Planning
  • Use of resources

Course of activity

step 1

Play a sorting game to illustrate a simple algorithm. Students will arrange themselves in a line from right to left according to date of birth, as quickly as they can. Time them to see how quickly they could do it.  Check accuracy and discuss how they accomplished the task. Next, students should line up according to the number of siblings they have. Did they beat their time? Did they handle the task better or differently the second time?

step 2

Next, students will play a game to line up in alphabetical order by name. This time, there are rules to make the process more orderly. On each 'move', one comparison will be made between two students to find out whose name is first alphabetically. The rule is that only two students can speak at a time. Students will make suggestions for how to successfully carry out the task, which will be tested. Here are two possible suggestions:

Option 1: When arranging the students from left to right, start with the two students at the far right of the line:

  • The two students compare names and the student with the name closest to A moves to the left side of the pair.
  • Move one student to the left and perform the comparison between the next pair.
  • Continue like this down the line until you reach the end.
  • Now the student on the far left is the student with the first name alphabetically.
  • Repeat the operation, not including the students already sorted.

Option 2: 

  • Pull the student on the far right out of the line.
  • Compare their name with each successive student in the line, until you find a student whose name comes before this student's name alphabetically. 
  • Put the student back into the line to the right of the student whose name came first alphabetically.
  • Repeat the operation, not including the students who have already been sorted.

step 3

Show students the following video for inspiration: Sorting dance

step 4

Next, students will learn what an algorithm is and how a computer sorts the information it needs to make a decision.

step 5

Working in groups, students will model the concept by developing an algorithm for making a sandwich. They will have sliced bread, a knife, a plate, chocolate spread and sweets in a jar.

  • Clearly and unambiguously formulate all the necessary steps for making a sandwich. Students should not assume any prior knowledge.
  • The teacher will perform the instructions as written - no spoken instructions.
  • Students must revise their instructions if unsuccessful.

At the end of the exercise, show this video of a father performing the exercise.

step 6

Students will play a Kahoot game: Guess the Shape! which simulates machine-learning, by using discerning questions to discover the geometric shape. Without realising that they are learning, students will internalise ideas - each consecutive step requires further decision-making.

step 7

Moving to a digital/computer room, students will work with Google's Teachable machine (software for conceptualising machine learning). They will teach the computer to recognize a shape by giving it the relevant information.

step 8

Introduce the phenomenon of algorithmic bias. For supplementary information to support delivery, see here and here. Discuss how a computer arrives at the 'correct' answer, by accessing accurate information and numerous examples (in the same way that students improved when they repeated the sorting game activity). A familiar example from everyday life is the facial recognition tool that we use to open our phones. Ask students why they think almost everything created by Facebook or Google is free to use? When using these apps and services, companies collect and use data about us that allows them to better focus their programs (or advertising), ultimately resulting in a more accurate/reliable application.

step 9

Divide students into groups for a discussion of ethical issues - present pros and cons of each idea:

  • Self-driving vehicle - yes or no?
  • Battlefield drone - yes or no?
  • Medical app - yes or no?