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Ready for action?


Tangible Resources

Computer, presentation screen, students' model.


Arrange the use of a large space suitable for the exhibition, invite students, staff and parents.

Goals, messages & concepts

Specific goals

  • To share the complexities of, and factors involved in, decision-making with the audience.
  • To share the complexities of, and factors involved in, decision-making with the audience.

Specific messages

  • Having an awareness of the various factors which influence decision-making helps us to make more informed decisions.
  • Decision-making is a process of risk management - the benefit gained must be weighed against the cost.

Main terms

  • decision-making
  • audience
  • communication

Practices & skills

STEM practices

  • Constructing explanations and designing solutions
  • Engaging in argument from evidence
  • Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information

Soft skills

  • Learning failure is a part of learning
  • Teamwork and collaboration

Management skills

  • Planning
  • Use of resources

Course of activity

step 1

A physical exhibition can be presented in one of two ways: either groups take turns presenting their project to the whole group, or each group stands next to its model, and explains it to the circulating parents. In both scenarios, groups will talk about their model, the experiences they went through while building it, and what they have learnt during the Learning Scenario. Students will rehearse their presentations before the event.

step 2

Alternatively, students may create a virtual exhibition which is permanent. This can be produced using Genially or Artsteps software. Sound clips of the students explaining their work can be added.

step 3

Finally, students will reflect on the Learning Scenario:

  • Did they acquire any new decision-making tools?
  • Are they more aware of how they make decisions?
  • Have they changed in any way?
  • What was a decision they had to make during the Learning Scenario?
  • What was something surprising they learnt?
  • What is their main 'take-away' from the Learning Scenario?
  • Would they now change their definition of decision-making compared to at the beginning of the project?